How Many Hours A Day Should AC Run In Summer?

Over-running their air conditioner is a common fear many homeowners face. They’re indecisive about how long their ACs must run. If you need to look for AC repair in Cumming frequently, the answer is more overwhelming than you may believe.
The motors will break quickly, and the complete unit will perish prematurely if your air conditioner isn’t working correctly. As a result, you’ll have to deal with having your central air conditioner updated sooner than you would otherwise. Continue reading to learn how long you should leave your air conditioner running during the day.

What is the ideal running time for AC?

During the summer’s hottest days, a central air conditioner should operate continuously. Many people believe it is preferable if the air conditioner cycles on and off repeatedly during the day. It is commonly assumed that this will lower energy use and utility expenses. This, on the other hand, is not a good thing.

An old AC may have problems trying to deal with this especially. Consider an AC installation in Duluth by replacing your old system with a brand new AC.

Several factors affect your ACs running time

  • Outdoor temperature

The hotter it gets, the longer it takes for your air conditioner to cool you down to your preferred temperature. This is especially true when there is a lot of humidity.

Don’t avoid calling someone for AC repair in Cumming on really hot days if your air conditioner runs for long hours. You don’t need to be concerned as long as you’re comfortable and cool air is pouring out of your vents.

  • Calculating the number of cycles per hour

If you’re unfamiliar with how an air conditioner works, you might not realize that the operating duration is counted in cycles.

Your air conditioner should cycle two to three times per hour to manage the temperature in your house adequately. In the summer, a cycle should last no more than 10 to fifteen minutes.

  • Air conditioner size

The size of your air conditioner is the most important determinant in air conditioner run times. Your run duration will be reduced to roughly 10 minutes or less if your air conditioner is too big. A large air conditioner would chill your home, but it would not dehumidify it.

A small-sized air conditioner will have the opposite effect. Because it is unable to chill your home effectively, it continues to run. If your air conditioner runs for more than 20 minutes with little to no change in temperature, it’s likely too tiny.

Get AC installation in Duluth and exchange your AC for an accurately sized one. Purchasing the incorrect air conditioner size will waste your money, result in additional maintenance, and have an influence on your comfort in your own house.

We have 50 years of experience and provide cost-effective service in the HVAC repairing industry. Call us at (770) 667-3992
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