Air conditioners are mostly used in summers – combating the blazing heat is made way easier with an AC. But, we also tend to use our AC units in winters or other seasons. Using your air conditioner during the other seasons can keep the system in good condition. Otherwise, your system could become rusty. When in need of a service, you can consider contacting an air conditioner repair in Cumming.
In what temperature setting should your AC operate in summer? And is it ok to run your AC during colder months? Read ahead and find out.
Temperature Settings in Summer
During summer, we all instinctively turn to our air conditioners to keep us cool and comfortable. But the question lies, what is the right temperature setting for a scorching day? Well, this answer will differ from one person to another based on their preferences. But in general, the recommended temperature is 78°F.
As per the instructions issued by the Department of Energy, 78°F is a perfectly balanced setting that is comfortable and also aids you in saving energy. Even though it is the recommended setting, it doesn’t necessarily fit everyone’s needs. And it gets worse if your AC is old and not performing its best. If you are considering a new air conditioner, call to air conditioner replacement Cumming and get a second opinion.
If you feel that 78°F is too hot for you, try lowering the temperature gradually. Remember, the more you sway from the ideal temperature setting, the higher your electricity bills will spike.
Usage of an Air Conditioner During Colder Months
An air conditioner is not just for cooling – as much as it is advertised, it is not. Your AC unit is for keeping your home habitable and pleasant all around the year. But most of the air conditioners are designed so that it becomes difficult for them to operate in temperatures below 60°C. This is because, at lower temperatures, the refrigerant of your air conditioning unit starts behaving differently.
But, with proper terms of usage, you can run your AC in cold weather. If your unit is built to function in a wide range of temperature scales, then the damage to the system will be considerably low. The lowest temperature at which you can operate your AC is 58°C. If the scale dips below this, and you continue running your AC, it will face severe issues. Get in touch with us for a trustable service – we provide the best air conditioner repairs in Cumming!
For one, the possibility of the compressor burning out is high. The other parts of the air conditioner also get worn out quickly. The conclusion is this – do not operate your AC if the extreme temperature drops below 58°F.
Are you looking to replace your old air conditioning system with a new one? We can help you with a consultation regarding air conditioner replacement in Cumming! Contact us today to learn more!